Well.....first off, I'd like to comment on one thing: It wasn't just me whinging
When I thought my stick was knackered, I ordered this new one. BUT I also got my wingman, Rias to feel my old stick for stiffness
She was killing herself laughing....which is unusual, as normally a stiff stick would be order of the day....sadly this one jerks and spasms as you touch it..... and THATS hasn't hapened before...I swear !
This old stick is going in the bin....or I might Ebay it
Right...onward and upward.
What's the new wireless Evo like?
First impression: Slightly different colour than the cable one, the wireless weighs LESS, and feels less well built
The buttons are lighter, the castings are lower grade, the switches behind them are less positive. General feel is lower than the old one
Feel and Quality: 4/10
Effectiveness: In with the battery. Little light on top pops up. USB dongle (size of a USB hard drive keyring) is clipped rather cunningly under the stick for when you move it about and I plugged it into my PC, 10 seconds later XP had found it, installed its own drivers and BINGO...its working
Dont need the driver disk. It just works
Into control panel, check device....there it is, listed properly as Wireless Evo No calibration to do.
Plug and play: 10/10
yeah baby Feels like heaven. OK, my old one was worn out, so its bound to, AND it still has the lighter weight feel to it, BUT it plays well
7/10....this stick is great value. My old Evo cost me £35 15 months ago. This one, wireless costs £37, and to be fair, I had a deal with Scan and it came at less than that
Battery life: No idea at all....1 AA battery every 50 hours...so lets presume that's rubbish and it lasts 24 hours gaming....still.....no hassle. packs of AA batteries are very cheap now
Pleased score: Still feel let down by the quality. Saitek have cut corners here. It feels flimsy..the buttons feel weak But as I will wear it out in a year, it'll be replaced I guess.... 7/10 for my pleasedness. If it wasn't wireless, and so efficient it would get 5/10 for my pleased score, cos frankly its cheapened.
If (like me) that doesnt bother you in war, get one and dont fret. BUT if you get a buzz everyday from your quality stick....avoid.
Wireless Evo Saitek stick
Moderator: MA_Marlins
Wireless Evo Saitek stick
War Games: The genre closest to perfect and yet furthest from it too. IL-2, ARMA2, Call of Duty.. the list of close to ideal and far from perfect is eternal...