It's not an overclocking rig, so it's jusr ticking over really...but last night, on both Islands map with Tumble/Rias and then on a server I was holding over 100 fps most of the time, gliding up to 200 at silly, no action points.
But it only uses one core really. totally different to the AMD which had a patch from AMD that seemed to spread the load.
2.67ghz per core and 4gig (cheers Trig) showing as 3.25 as it's XP 32bit.
Overkill? Yup, had it been a normal deal I'd have got a Duo and gone to Nut's speeds such as his at 3.2, but man this thing crunches stuff.
All in a Sugo

And an X1900 XT going quite nicely